Sunday, 10 February 2013

First ideas for magazine advertisement

Today I am going to be producing some mock ideas for the magazine advertisement for my album release, by taking the research I have done into consideration I have been thinking of ideas that relate back to my research to show how they have inspired my work, I need to make sure I include all the necessary details, for example: record company, artists name, website for the artist, release date and possibly some reviews.
Artist Name
first of all I need to create a name for my imaginary artist, this will be 'SteamPunk' which is an alternative genre of fiction which relates back to Victorian ages with steam and coal being the main source of power, this alternative style also can relate to the punk side of things which is a rebellious genre of music (and although not the style of the music I have designed for my artist) it can create the impression that the artist is rebelling against modern society. The music which I have chosen for the album so far consists only of the song I have chosen for my music video, this is originally Beethoven (before remix) who died shortly before the Victorian era, although steam punk was designed in the Victorian steam and coal powered style I think the two aren't too far apart and it is meant to signify the original music (before remix) is that general area.
Record Label
The record company will be imaginary, as is the rest of the project is, and I will call it 'Def Fret Records' this relates back to my first year project where I named my music magazine 'Def Fret', it gives the project a more personal touch and relates all my work over the two years together. Also, the obvious specifics need to be taken into consideration such as the fact the page will be portrait so i can't design an advertisement in landscape.

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